Freeboard -Starter Help

About a couple of months before i was given a project by my lead that was setting up a freeboard with the help of Django. What the f**k was it. As always I went for our trustworthy buddies YouTube and google. But they where of little help. I had to go through a little to get jiffy. So i thought of putting everything i learned here, so that it may be of some good. So here you go.

 This beauty is an great counter to its latter Gekoboard.  Check Here
 And the best new sis that it is absolutely free.
But donot take it for granded.

I will start of with quick guide on installing it.

This is the free repository available at git hub. the method of installing it clearly explained in it, however let me give quick overview.

woo explains it very well, so it would boring for me to do the same.

After succesfully installing it, we can move to freeboard.
If you have done everything right you would get this screen.

  •  load free-board : Refers to our previous sessions. Normally they are in the form of JSON files.
  • Datasources : Refers to the data that are to be displayed.
  • Pane : They are used to display the data.
Addind Data to Freeboard Examples

Example : 1

The above shown is an image shows our current mouse pointers position denoted by Mouse X and Mouse Y.

To Start it we have to first add Datasource :
 There are different options JSON(Allows us to access real time data from Url's), Open Weather Map API(Gives us our Current Climatic features), system features like mouse positions can be accessed), Clock(Displays Real Time), Octablu(Gets Data from Nodes and circuits) etc.

Here to start go to , here our device would be given a unique name, we then select the datasource and details as shown below:


Here my Thing name allotted is plausible-cobweb.

Next we want to add panes:
Select a New pane : Select text from it:

We select our datasource here and assign value.Save it and it will display our real time data.

Thats all for today, Thank you.!!!


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