What Do I need to be in future? Is it worth a thought?


     I am B tech graduate now working at a software company! But thats not at all your matter of concern! 😉. But the real concern is that IS THAT THE WAY I CHOOSE?

 Is this what is it?
  We never brood about our future atleast once!, may be thats my case, whatever! I dont know how work goes about in other fields, but in my field i am paused! When i completed my schooling i just had two options in my mind! Engineering or Medicine. I went for what my friends choose, engineering!
But it was too late that i found that i had made terrible mistake. But what to do? Just went with the flow. and now i am here, sitting hours before the pc. 

  Is it what we are destined? absolutely not! If only i had thought about that when i had time!Doing a job which we do not like is not a kind of great deal! it s**ks, sorry my bad, We are always fearing the consequence,thats why we are not acting! Break free explore yourself! BE THE CHANGE OR MAKE IT! 


That Doesn't mean that the IT field totally su**ks. There are firms which allow the employee freedom. SO guys! Please do make decisions when you have the time! THE TIDE moves on! its you who have to decide! At the end of the day what you did is what others count! but what you got is what is what you count!

Some amazing facts:
 99% of people is not satisfied with what they have!
1% have everything, i meant super-rich.

The fact is the majority are those persons who settled with whatever they had, and so its what they got!They never cared about whats next. Example: me, you 😉

The minority people however had a dream a vision and they constantly craved for it. They never paused with what they had! They had constant planning, and they sticked to it.

If you Dont think what i am saying is correct ask these people!

1: Bill Gates

The Billionaire who is now closing on to be the first trillionare, was not a man of instant success. Before Microsoft he had another business named Traf-O-Data .

2: Walt Disney

Do you guys have any idea that this man was fired by a newspaper company, because he had lack of imagination? 😑 Lucky they did it .

3: Harrison Ford

What about this man? At first film executives said that he had lacking something called acting! Ars*****. Harrison ford you beauty.

4: Cristiano Ronaldo & Lionel Messi

One had racing heart problem and other lack of health! What then
Goals: 1140
Ball on dor:9
Golden Boot: 9
and whatever....

There are many others whose choose their ways, followed their dreams and got where they wanted!

My case is is different, i never wanted to replicate their great feats, but wanted something of mine.


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